Monday, May 08, 2006


The problem with public transit

I spent about half an hour this morning fussing with Samtrans bus and Caltrain schedules to figure out a way to get to a meeting in Milbrae this afternoon. It is certainly possible to do it, but would take 90 minutes of travel time in each direction, compared to less than 30 minutes via car. With Arthur's nap-eat schedule, that's just not possible. So I have to drive. On the bright side, it's just a one-time thing.

Part of the problem is the public transit schedule: if there were more than one train per hour that went from Milbrae to Redwood City on the return trip, it would save me a lot of time. But kudos to SamTrans for being more-or-less coordinated with the train schedule.

Too bad; it's a perfect day for a walk (or four).

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