Friday, August 11, 2006


The San Carlos Dead Zone

Wow, it's been a while since I posted. I didn't do much commute-riding during the big heat wave. But I'm back in the swing now.

Today I rode from the REI in San Carlos to downtown San Carlos. I guess I should have just taken Brittan to Laurel, but there's no bike lane there, so I went down Industrial (where there's a nice new bike lane) and got into the turn lane to Holly. If there's a cut-through under the train station for cyclists, I wish I'd known about it. Then I rode across El Camino and turned left (backtracking) onto Laurel without a bike lane or even good shoulder. Blech. Too many left turns, not enough bike lanes. Anyone know a good way to cross that region between El Camino and Industrial?

Follow the route of bike for breath.

Howard / Holly were the streets between El Camino and Industrial.
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